A riveting, hard science fiction universe co-created and written by Matthew Medney (Heavy Metal Magazine CEO, NYU adjunct professor) and John Connelly (Lockheed Martin Aerospace Engineer).

Welcome to the Kuiperverse 



The source for all things Beyond Kuiper: The Galactic Star Alliance



There is no Drake Equation. There is no question on sentience. The galaxy is alive and filled with life. The only issue: we humans aren't invited.
The Galactic Star Alliance awaits your exploration.
In this illustrated novel co- created & written by Matthew Medney and John Connelly (Lockheed Martin Aerospace Engineer), humankind acknowledges the vastness of time, the cyclical nature of civilization, and the obscurity of our own history. 


If our galaxy is so full of sentient life, why has no one said hello? We thought of a simple, logical reason: no one wants too. Stepping back and casting an objective eye on ourselves, it seems painfully obvious that humans lack a fundamental respect for our planet and for each other. We possess extremely short memories and long grudges, and the likelihood of receiving alien tools to hasten our expansion seems downright foolhardy. 
The Galactic Star Alliance has been alive and well for millions of earth years. Hundreds of thousands of sentient worlds and trillions of beings walk, run, and crawl across the many home worlds of the Alliance. This revelation led to many questions: How is faster-than-light speed travel possible, and could cohesive, interstellar civilizations exist without it? Is it conceivable to govern a coalition not of different countries, but of different species? Each question led to another and each answer built our world, piece by piece until it spanned thousands of answers and millions of light-years. As for the title, from where would our judges watch us?


But our galaxy has spoken to us humans. There are some who believe it is out there. Not as science-fantasy but as science.
Introduce Bernard William Hubert. World renowned astrophysicist, and Lead Scientist of the seminal company of exploration, Outer Limits. While on loan to CERN, a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions leaves Bernard as the sole survivor.  While the scientific community & world looks to him for answers, he simply states the unthinkable "it has to be aliens." Inconceivable to the world, the Hubert family is investigated and his family's name tarnished.
Disgraced and shunned. Bernard claws his way back into the equation with his new company C.O.R.E as they work tirelessly to design an engine capable of interstellar travel. 
Follow Bernard on his road to redemption and discovery in this ensemble cast of futurism, space travel and the fate of our species. 



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Science. Exploration.

Beyond Kuiper Delivers

a “are we worthy”


of Galactic proportions.”

- Heavy Metal


The tip of a hardcore sci-fi universe that is probably the deepest dive into not only the true spirit of exploration, but into the why and how we, as a species, choose to forge ahead into the deepest voids of the unknown.
People boldly going.

If there’s a tagline for Beyond Kuiper, the first full on novel from science fiction’s biggest proponent Heavy Metal Magazine, that could very well be it. Don’t take that to mean that this is a rehash of everything that’s been done since Mr. Rodenberry made his pitch to DesiLu Productions. Instead, look at this book as the fictional bridge between where we are now & where could very easily find ourselves down the road.
— The Pullbox

The saying goes that the golden age of science fiction is 12. It’s a clever line, but it’s also true. The things you discover at that age are most often the things you love the rest of your life. When I was 12, it was Heinlein and Asimov and Poul Anderson. I get the same feeling from Beyond Kuiper: The Galactic Star Alliance by Matthew Medney and John Connelly. Like the stuff I discovered when I was 12, it’s galaxy-spanning science fiction with both smarts and hearts, along with great design, lovely illustrations and impressive, immersive world-building. Come be 12 again.”
— Ron Marz, Justice League, Silver Surfer, Green Lantern, Justice League.

Each chapter begins with a beautiful illustration which really helped hook you into the world, particularly in the chapters surrounding the aliens as it helped to have a visual to match the descriptions of the species and gave a key anchor point for my imagination.

For the images alone the book is worth reading!!
— Blogga The Hutt

This novel caters to readers who enjoy hard sf...
— Library Journal
Science fiction often asks us to reckon with the current zeitgeist while enveloping the reader in a saga that takes us far, far away from our everyday problems. If done successfully, it’s truly fantastic. And Beyond Kuiper is truly fantastic sci-fi.

If there’s one thing that Heavy Metal has always understood, it’s how to turn the most dystopian landscape into the scene of a wild, colorful party.
An exercise in serious world-building and storytelling seldom undertaken on this scale, especially by first-time novelists.
— JEFF BERKWITS (Sci-Fi Magazine)

Connelly provided his comprehensive knowledge of physics, engineering, and chemistry to create what might be the most realistic design of a space-faring vessel that has yet been delivered in fiction; The Nomad.
— Screen Rant

An engrossing, thought-provoking journey that seamlessly weaves science-fiction with the human experience. Medney and Connelly’s world building is masterfully detailed, richly texturing an already captivating landscape. They lay the foundation for an all-too-plausible future of interstellar exploration that’s both darkly mysterious, and open to endless possibilities.
— Blake Northcott (Writer, DC Comics 'Catwoman', Author of International Bestsellers 'Arena Mode' and 'The North Valley Grimoire')

BEYOND KUIPER is Beyond Excellent.

In the near Future in a Galaxy not so far away. Medney presents us with a complex multiverse that uses the familiar mechanics of our modern scientific world including: the very real fear of a CERN malfunction, the controversial secret space program Going head to head with the Galactic Alliance. Conspiracy becomes Truth. Science fiction becomes Fact. The evolution of Humankind hangs in the balance. Kuiper puts a subtly warped funhouse mirror up to society and begs the question: Are we meant to be among the stars?
— Dan Fogler (Fantastic Beasts, Walking Dead)
If you like your sci-fi mixed in with true science and amazing artwork then Beyond Kuiper is the book for you; a great story that is just begging for its universe to expanded by future instalments.

Marks out of 10: 9
— Cult Faction
Set in a far-future, with mind-bending plot twists, Beyond Kuiper is also lushly illustrated by Utku Özden, giving the novel the feeling of Heavy Metal’s iconic aesthetic, but also offers a different experience than other books have.
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When Matt asked me to be a part of the Beyond Kuiper Universe I dove in and was awed by the breath of the world Matt and John had created. Odian Spek is the hero of his story and a fierce leader with an iron will. He is the type of antagonist that builds vast sci-fi worlds and grows a relatable fanbase. Beyond Kuiper is a space opera with the world building of War Hammer and science worthy of Carl Sagan.

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